David Stoupakis

David Stoupakis was born in Newton, Massachusetts, in 1974. He currently lives and works in New York. His work, inspired by fables, fairy tales and nostalgic allusions to the places and situations of his childhood, has always been focused on the evocation of dreamlike landscapes and psychologically complex characters often caught in the gloomy atmosphere of dramatic, apocalyptic scenarios. From the first works of the series God is Dead, The Hours and Murder of us, characterized by a more essential compositional structure and imbued by manifold references to the religious symbolism of Medieval Art, to the exquisitely intricate narrative of his other works, David’s artistic production, broadly influenced by the Renaissance Art, has recently evolved towards a more sophisticated synthesis of both content and form. David’s characters and their interactions with their own microcosm can instrumental to understand his creative process and his ability to turn certain memories and anxieties into well-rendered depictions of his interpretation of reality, whereas his palette is and remains an extension of his emotional and intellectual response to the world. David’s work can be found in many private collections, and has been featured in numerous group and solo exhibitions, including: “Subterfuge”, Think Space Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, 2006; “Art From the New World”, Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery, Bristol, England, 2010; “Pop Surrealism, What a Wonderfool World”, Carandente Museum of Spoleto, Italy, 2010; “Walking with These Shadows”, Corey Helford Gallery, Los Angeles, 2011; “The Kindly Ones”, Last Rites Gallery, New York, 2015. His work has also been featured on: “Rolling Stone Magazine”, “Juxtapoze Magazine”, “NY Arts Magazine”, LA Times Newspaper” and MTV.
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Athletes, musicians, artists & celebrities from the likes of Gwen Stefani, Jessica Alba, Nick Cannon, Vanilla Ice, Slash, Pitbull, Adam Sandler, Lil Jon, KORN, Retna, KISS, Dennis Rodman, David Spade, Carmen Electra, George Clinton & countless others have been known to regularly wear the BEVERLY HILLS PIMPS AND HOS Brand.